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Hell Gate’s 2024 Reader Survey

At Hell Gate, we're curious people. It's what makes our journalism great. But we're not only curious about our city, we're now especially interested in you—our readers! How are you reading our website? How better can we serve our paid subscribers? What stories do you desperately want us to cover? Should we do a daily newsletter?

To find out answers to these questions, we've designed a reader survey, hoping to get your direct feedback: We want to gain insight and understanding into who our readers are—who you are—and what you’re looking for in our journalism and our site. 

There are two separate surveys—one for paid subscribers and one for people who have yet to subscribe. If you don't subscribe yet, consider doing so! (Then you can take the survey for the subscribers.)

A cool added bonus? If you take a moment to fill out the survey you will be automatically entered to win one of the last few out-of-print Hell Gate hats! 

Thanks for helping us get to know you better!