Eric Adams Is Probably Going to Get Away With It
Our wily mayor pulled it off.
Hell Gate is owned & run by journalists covering NYC.
Andrew Cuomo told the 504 Democratic Club, "I don't need a title. I don't need any of this stuff. Matter of fact, 'governor' versus 'mayor,' I think 'governor's' a better title. But anyway, I want to make a difference." (He didn't get the endorsement.)
Our wily mayor pulled it off.
Eric Adams went down I-95 for a few days to go from one circle of hell to a slightly different one.
At his first press conference in weeks, the mayor tried to square the circle.
Judge Dale Ho ordered a high-powered attorney with impeccable conservative credentials to scrutinize the government's motion to dismiss the case against Mayor Eric Adams.
Mayor Adams has no comment on the report confirming allegations against his longtime friend and erstwhile top aide.
Mayor Eric Adams's dismissal hearing featured a fiery appeal to Trump's vision of unfettered executive power.
Jenifer Rajkumar declined to endorse Eric Adams for mayor, because nothing is real and nothing matters.
Mayor Eric Adams gave a factually dubious five-minute speech and did not take any questions from reporters.
From mayor to hapless MAGA floor manager.
"Groveling to the president really pays off these days."
Adams played the hits, only instead of sneering at reporters, Hizzonor offered simpering chuckles of encouragement to the host known for being the 21st century's most effective white nationalist.
Adams's whirlwind trip to Mar-a-Lago, allegedly to talk about "New Yorkers' priorities" with Donald Trump, reveals a mayor who has lost all self-respect.