Hell Gate's 99 Cent H-O-T-T-O-T-E-G-O Sale

Hell Gate's 99 Cent H-O-T-T-O-T-E-G-O Sale

Listen, we have way too many beautiful union-made totes, and we want you to have them.

If you missed out on our BIGGEST SALE EVER, don't despair—we have one more sale this summer to throw your way, and let's just say *clears throat* it's H-O-T-T-O-T-E-G-O. 

Today through Sunday, you can subscribe as a monthly Hell Gate Supporter for just 99 cents for your first month—and we'll also throw in our beautiful, giant, very red tote bag. This tote is perfect for some summer fun, capable of fitting a couple of beach towels, some liquid refreshments, and a bunch of magazines you're definitely going to read (when you're not just looking at your phone constantly refreshing hellgatenyc dot com). 

As a Supporter, you'll also get some sweet Hell Gate stickers and invitations to exclusive Hell Gate quarterly events. Is there a better deal out there? Good luck, babe!

If you care about local news that investigates whether hotel workers spontaneously applauded the governor over her decision to "pause" congestion pricing, how New York City gave hundreds of millions to the Yankees and an oil baron sheik in a deal over a new soccer stadium, or how the Brooklyn Democratic Party is really only interested in fighting other Democrats, then this deal is…

Snap and clap and touch your totes, with Hell Gate! Subscribe today.

Note: This deal is for new subscribers only—don't cancel your existing subscription to get in on this deal, it won't work, we promise!

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