A Rave For Your Eyeballs
(Flyers by Jean Pierre Consuegra)

A Rave For Your Eyeballs

Brooklyn-based designer Jean Pierre Consuegra knows how to design a club flyer that makes a lineup pop.

In an age where Instagram rewards algorithm-friendly sameness and our attention spans have been whittled down to splinters, a truly beautiful club flyer feels rare these days—one with not just a good lineup, not just the right alchemical combo of DJ and venue and promoter that makes for a classic night out, but something genuinely awesome to look at. That's why the graphic designer Jean-Pierre Consuegra's flyers buck the trend: They reward attention, they're rich with detail, but the designer doesn't throw too many bells and whistles in the way of advertising a good time. Consuegra's artwork is enough to make me stop my scrolling and scan a lineup for a party I'd like to see—but more than that, they're the kind of artwork I'd like to see every day, to the point that I bought a print of one of his trail cam collages (that I swear I've been meaning to frame and hang for approximately eight months).

(Jean Pierre Consuegra)

Consuegra, who was born in Colombia and grew up in central Florida, moved to New York City in 2019 and founded a DIY record label, Somersault Records. "I was a server at the time, so I was really broke, and I couldn't afford a designer to make our assets, so I downloaded Photoshop for the first time and completely ripped off Hessle Audio's formatting for our first couple of things," he said. 

As Consuegra's label began to pick up traction, he started releasing daily mixes with original art, and designing his own flyers for parties he threw, which helped him drop the copycat act and hone his own personal aesthetic: collages rooted in found images, warped and filtered beyond the confines of reality and transformed into brightly rendered ambassadors for the party they're advertising. 

(Jean Pierre Consuegra)

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