Privacy Policy

HELL GATE Privacy Policy

Last Updated: July 13, 2022








HELL GATE, LLC and its affiliates (“Company,” “HELL GATE ,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) operate, deliver newsletters, host live events, and deliver other products and services (“Services”). This Privacy Policy describes the kinds of information HELL GATE may gather when you use the Services, how HELL GATE uses that information, when HELL GATE might disclose that information, and how you can manage it.

By using the Services, you are accepting the practices described in our Privacy Policy, including our use of cookies and similar online tools. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Services. We reserve the right to modify or amend the terms of our privacy policy from time to time without notice. Your continued use of our Services following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept those changes.

Please note: our Services are under constant development. This Privacy Policy may therefore be modified and updated on an ongoing basis. Please check back to this page regularly.

Our Privacy Policy does not govern or apply to information collected or used by HELL GATE  through other means or to websites maintained by other companies or organizations to which we may link or who may link to us.

Please send any questions about privacy issues to


The information we collect and the purposes for which we use it will depend on how you interact with HELL GATE and the Services.

Information You Provide to Us

When you use the Services, you may provide us the following:

    • Registration, Subscription or Contact Information such as e-mail address, name, phone number, shipping address, and billing information
    • Demographic and interest information such as your age, date of birth, gender, interests, lifestyle information, and hobbies
    • Financial and transactional information such as credit or debit card number, verification number, and expiration date, to process payments and information about your transactions and purchases with us. Please note: payment information goes to our payment processors and is not collected, processed, or stored by HELL GATE.
    • Customer service information such as questions and other messages you address to us directly through online forms, by email, over the phone, or by post, and summaries or voice recordings of your interactions with customer care
    • Employment or Education Information such as education history, employment experience, business contact information
    • User-generated content such as comments on articles, photos, videos, audio, any information you submit in public forums or message boards, reviews and feedback or testimonials you provide about our Services
    • Marketing information such as information related to your preferences for receiving communications, subscribing to our publications, newsletters, and other content
    • Survey, market research or sweepstakes information such as information gathered when you complete a survey, participate in market research, or enter a contest, sweepstakes, or game relating to the Services.
    • Social media information if you link your account or access the Services through a third-party connection or log-in, we may have access to any information you provide to that social network depending on your privacy settings
    • Other information any other information you choose to directly provide to us in connection with your use of the Services

Information We Automatically Collect

We may collect information about your use of the Services, including:

    • Device information and identifiers: such as computer or mobile device model, IP address, other unique device identifiers, operating system version, browser type, language, and settings
    • Usage information: such as information about the Services you use, the time, date, and duration of your use of the Services, newsletter open-rate, referral information, your interaction with content offered through the Services, search terms used, referring website, and software crash reports. We also collect information stored using cookies, mobile ad identifiers, and similar technologies set on your device. Our servers may automatically keep an activity log of your use of the Services. We may collect such usage information at the individual or aggregate level. Please see Section Four of this Privacy Policy (THIRD PARTY COOKIES AND TRACKING TECHNOLOGIES) for more information about how we collect and use this information.
    • Location information: such as city, state and ZIP code associated with your IP address and precise geolocation information from your devices, with your permission in accordance with your mobile device settings.

Information We Receive from Third Parties

We may receive information about you from third parties and combine it with information we receive from or about you, including:

    • Information from social media networks

When you interact with HELL GATE  a social media service or log in using social media credentials, depending on your social media settings, we may have access to your information from that social network such as your social media account ID and/or user name associated with that social media service, your profile picture, email address, friends list or information about the people and groups you are connected to and how you interact with them, and any information you have made public in connection with that social media service,

    • Information from third party email and subscription providers and/or processors

When you purchase one of our subscription products on a third-party services or stores subscription (including the Apple Store), we receive personal information from the third parties that help us process emails and subscriptions. Please note: HELL GATE  does not receive (or collect, process, or store) any payment card industry (“PCI”) data.

    • Information from publicly or commercially available sources

We may collect information from third parties such as consumer data resellers that make available information, collected both online and offline, such as demographic information, additional contact information, group affiliations, occupational information, and educational background, which we may combine with other information we receive from or about you.

Other Information We Collect

HELL GATE also may collect other information about you, your device, or your use of the Services in ways that we describe to you at the point of collection, or otherwise, with your consent. You may choose not to provide us with certain types of information but doing so may affect your experience in using the Services.


HELL GATE uses your information to personalize and improve your experience using the Services in the ways described below, or in other ways at your direction or with your consent.

To Provide the Services

For example, to:

    • Process and fulfill your transactions, including subscriptions or memberships, and enable you to login to the Services,
    • Contact you and send you communications about the Services (including communications you request like newsletters) and share invitations to events or offers about HELL GATE products or our third-party partners’ products
    • Respond to you and your comments, inquiries, or requests; and transmit legal notices, policy updates, and other important information about the Services,
    • Provide features of the Services (such as social sharing and comments) and to post content you submit,
    • Provide customer support, administer loyalty programs, contests, promotions, or surveys, or
    • Identify and repair errors that impair the function of the Services and to detect security incidents
    • Protect the rights of HELL GATE and others, detect, investigate, and prevent activities that may violate our policies or may be fraudulent, illegal; to protect, enforce, or defend the legal rights, privacy, safety, or property of HELL GATE, its employees, agents, or users; or as required by law.

Please note: all editorial and commercial email messages include instructions for unsubscribing from such future communications.

To Deliver Personalized Content and Recommendations

For example, to:

    • Customize features of the Services,
    • Deliver relevant content and to provide you with an enhanced experience based on your activities and interests
    • Send you personalized newsletterssurveys, and information about products, services and promotions offered by us, our partners, and other organizations with which we work
    • Facilitate the delivery of targeted advertising (including interest-based advertising), promotions, and offers, on behalf of ourselves and our third-party advertisers, both on our websites and elsewhere
    • Customize content that our third-party partners deliver on the Services (e.g., personalized third-party advertising) based on your activity on the Services
    • Create and update inferences and profiles about you that can be used for advertising and marketing on the Services, third party services and platforms, and mobile apps, or for analytics,
    • Measure and report on the delivery of advertisements

Please note: all editorial and commercial email messages include instructions for unsubscribing from such future communications.

To enable us to provide these Services, we may use the information we collect to identify you across sessions, browsers, and/or devices. Please see Section Four of this Privacy Policy (THIRD PARTY COOKIES AND TRACKING TECHNOLOGIES) for further information about our and third parties’ use of cookies and other tracking technologies and your choices related to targeted advertising.

To Learn About Our Users and Improve Services

    • We conduct analysis and research on our users’ demographics, interests, and behavior and perform statistical analysis of our users, their use of the Services, and their purchasing patterns. We do this to optimize and improve the Services, our products, and our operations.

To Combine Information for All the Purposes Described Above

    • We may use the information gathered from one aspect of the Services to enhance other aspects of Services and we may combine information gathered from multiple aspects of the Services into a single user record.
    • We also may use or combine information that we collect offline or that we collect or receive from third-party sources for many reasons, including to enhance, expand, and check the accuracy of our records.
    • Data collected from a particular computer, browser or device may be used with another computer, browser or device that is linked to the computer, browser, or device on which such data was collected.

HELL GATE’s information-sharing practices vary based on the type of information and the type of recipient.

Aggregate Or De-Identified Information

    • We may use and share deidentified information with third parties in any manner for any purposes.

Subscription Providers

    • If your subscription is provided in whole or in part by your employer or other third party, we may share with them information about your access and use of your subscription.
    • If you have a subscription associated with a professor or school, we may notify your professor or school to confirm your subscription, access, or use.
    • When providing information to a subscription provider, we may reveal limited amounts of your personal information such as your name or email address.

Service Providers and Professional Advisors

    • We share information with third-party agents, software and service providers and licensors and vendors who perform functions on our behalf, including, but not limited to, web hosting, content syndication, content management, social media integration, marketing, analytics, product development, email or text message transmission, billing or payment processing, order fulfillment, auditing, and customer service.
    • We also may disclose your personal information to professional advisors, such as lawyers, bankers, auditors, and insurers, where necessary in the course of the professional services that they render to us.
    • Service providers and professional advisors with whom we share information will be obligated to maintain the confidentiality (as appropriate for the services) and security of personal information HELL GATE transmits to them.

Third Party Content and/or Advertising Partners

    • Third parties that provide content, advertising, or functionality to the Services may collect or receive information about you and/or your use of the Services, using cookies, beacons, and similar technologies.
    • Third party content and/or advertising partners may use such information to provide you with advertising that is based on your interests and to measure and analyze ad performance on our Services or other websites or platforms, and combine it with information collected across different websites, online services, and other devices.

Please note: third parties’ use of your information will be based on their own privacy policies.

Social Media Platforms and Services

    • If you log in with or connect a social media service account to a HELL GATE Service, certain information may be available to the social media platform, in which case the social media platform’s use of the shared information will be governed by the social media platform’s privacy policy and your privacy settings for that platform.
    • If you do not want your personal information shared as described, please do not connect your social media platform account with your HELL GATE account, and do not participate in social sharing on the Services.

Providers of Co-Branded Services

    • HELL GATE may offer co-branded services or features, such as conferences, events, contests, sweepstakes, or other promotions together with a third party (“Co-Branded Services”). Co-Branded Services may be hosted by HELL GATE or through the third party’s services.
    • HELL GATE may share the information you submit in connection with the Co-Branded Service with the applicable third party or the third party may receive certain information from you at the same time HELL GATE does.

Please note: a third party’s use of your information will be governed by the third party’s privacy policy.

Other Users of The Services

    • Any information (including your name, location, email address, profile information, and comments) you choose to submit through the use certain features of the Services that provide an opportunity to interact with HELL GATE and other HELL GATE users (e.g., community forums, Slack groups) may be publicly available.
    • HELL GATE is not responsible for any information you choose to submit and make public through these channels of communication.

Business Transferees

    • In the event of a corporate change in control (for instance, a sale or merger) or due diligence in contemplation thereof, HELL GATE may transfer your personal information to the new party in control or the party acquiring assets.

With Your Consent at Your Direction

    • We may also share your information with your consent.
    • The Services may link to third-party websites and services that are outside our control. We are not responsible for the security or privacy of any information collected by these third parties, which operate pursuant to their respective privacy policies.

Cookies are small text files that are stored in your device’s browser when you visit a website that enable the business that places the cookie business to recognize a user across one or more browsing sessions, and across one or more websites. When you use the Services, we and our third-party partners use cookies, pixel tags, device IDs and other similar technologies (collectively, “Cookies”) to collect information from your browser or device for the purposes of information storage and access; personalization of the Services; measurement of and analytics regarding the use of the Services; content selection, delivery, and reporting; and advertising selection, targeting, delivery, and reporting.

By using the Services, you consent to our use of cookies and similar technologies.

The following types of Cookies are used in the Services:

Essential Cookies

    • Essential Cookies enable you to browse our Services and use certain features.
    • Disabling Essential Cookies may prevent you from using certain parts of the Services. These cookies also help keep our Services safe and secure.

Preference Cookies

    • Preference Cookies store information such as your login data, if applicable, and website preferences.
    • Disabling Preference Cookies may hinder our ability to remember certain choices you’ve previously made or personalize your browsing experience by providing you with relevant information. Preference cookies can also be used to recognize your device so that you do not have to provide the same information more than once.

Performance Cookies

    • Performance Cookies collect information about how you use the Services such as which pages you visit regularly.
    • Performance cookies are used to provide you with a high-quality experience by doing things such as tracking page load, site response times, and error messages.

Content and Advertising Cookies

    • Content and Advertising Cookies gather information about your use of our services so we provide you with more relevant content and advertising on the Services and elsewhere online and across your devices. Content and Advertising Cookies are also used to gather feedback on customer satisfaction through surveys. They remember that you’ve visited the Services and help Chart understand usage of the Services.
    • Some Content and Advertising cookies are from third parties that collect information about your use of our Services to provide advertising (on our Services and elsewhere, across your different devices) based on your online activities (so-called “interest-based advertising”). HELL GATE may not have access to these cookies, although we may use statistical information arising from the cookies provided by these third parties to customize content and for the other purposes described above.

Please note: HELL GATE does not control the privacy practices of these third parties, and their practices are not covered by this Privacy Policy.


There are several ways to minimize tracking of your online activity by third parties, some of which we have summarized below.  We hope you find this information to be a helpful reference.  Please note: using these tools to opt out of tracking and targeting does not mean that you will not receive advertising while using our Services or on other websites.

Controls for Cookies and Online Tracking Choices

Since many of these opt-out tools are specific to a device or browser, you will need to opt out on every browser and device that you use. 

    • Blocking Cookies in Your Browser. Most browsers let you remove or reject cookies, including cookies used for interest-based advertising. To do this, follow the instructions in your browser settings. Many browsers accept cookies by default until you change your settings. If you wish to opt-out of Google Analytics’ tracking, use this browser add-on provided by Google.
    • Blocking advertising ID use in your mobile settings. Your mobile device settings may provide functionality to limit use of the advertising ID associated with your mobile device for interest-based advertising purposes. For more information about how to change these settings for Apple, Android or Windows devices, see:
    • Using privacy plug-ins or browsers.You also may use a browser with privacy features, like Brave, or install browser plugins like Privacy BadgerGhostery or uBlock Origin.  These may offer tools to block or limit third-party cookies/trackers.
    • Platform opt-outs. The following advertising platforms offer opt-out features that let you opt-out of certain uses of your information for interest-based advertising: Google and Facebook
    • Advertising industry opt-out tools. You can use these opt-out options to limit use of your interest-based advertising by participating companies: Digital Advertising Alliance and Network Advertising InitiativePlease note: opting-out of advertising networks’ tracking and targeting does not mean that you will not receive advertising while using our Services or on other websites, nor will it prevent the receipt of interest-based advertising from third parties that do not participate in these programs. It will exclude you, however, from interest-based advertising conducted through participating networks, as provided by their policies and choice mechanisms.

Accessing Your Information

You can request to access, review, correct, update, delete or modify your registration or subscription profile information (if HELL GATE maintains such information) and modify your marketing preferences (where applicable) by contacting  

Please note: if you have subscribed or registered for multiple of our Services or subscriptions, you may need to update your information for each account separately.

Emails, Newsletters, and Text Messages

    • You may always opt-out of receiving future e-mail marketing messages and newsletters from HELL GATE by following the instructions contained within the emails and newsletters, or by e-mailing us at
    • You may opt out of receiving promotions or advertising via Text Message at any time, by replying “STOP” to one of our Text Messages.

Responding To Requests

    • For your protection, we may only implement requests with respect to the personal information associated with the email address that you use to send us your request and/or on the basis of other information we use to verify you before implementing your request.

Please note: we may need to retain certain information for record-keeping purposes and/or to complete any transactions you began prior to requesting such change or deletion (e.g., when you make a purchase or enter a promotion, you may not be able to change or delete the personal information provided until after the completion or cancelation of such purchase or promotion).


HELL GATE is a US-based news organization, so we apply US law to our privacy practices. This means that wherever you are in the world, this Privacy Policy will apply to the information you provide to HELL GATE or we collect when you use the Services.



We take reasonable security measures to protect your information, including the use of physical, technical, and administrative controls. Please understand, however, that while we try our best to safeguard your personal information once we receive it, no transmission of data over the Internet or any other public network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. You need to help protect the privacy of your own information. You must take precautions to protect the security of any personal information that you may transmit over any home networks, wireless routers, wireless (WiFi) networks or similar devices by using encryption and other techniques to prevent unauthorized persons from intercepting or receiving any of your personal information. You are responsible for the security of your information when using unencrypted, open access, or otherwise unsecured networks. 


The period for which we keep information varies according to the purpose for which it is used. In some cases, there are legal requirements to keep data for a minimum period. We will retain your Personal Data for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or allowed by law.

Children’s Information

The Services are not intended for children under 13 years of age. HELL GATE does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age. If HELL GATE discovers that a child under the age of 13 has provided HELL GATE with personal information and we do not have parental consent, HELL GATE will delete that child’s information. If you believe that Hell Gate has been provided with the personal information of a child under the age of 13 without parental consent, please notify us immediately at


If you have questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at

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