Founding Supporters

Hell Gate is proud and honored to receive support from the organizations listed here, who have contributed more than $5,000. They help us remain a fiercely independent, worker-owned news outlet, during a time of great upheaval in the media landscape. 

Hell Gate would not be able to do what we do without their founding support. 

The Harnisch Foundation

Vital Projects Fund

craig newmark philanthropies

Rachael Bedard and Gideon Friedman

Paul Ford

The Charles H. Revson Foundation

Please read our policies regarding donors and potential conflicts of interest, linked here

Become a Founding Supporter

Hell Gate is funded by subscribers, a few advertisers, and a handful of founding supporters. All donations greater than $5,000 are publicly listed above.

If you'd like to make a substantial financial contribution to Hell Gate, please email us:

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