Behold: Hell Gate's Interactive $20 Dinner Map

Behold: Hell Gate's Interactive $20 Dinner Map

$20 Dinner dining critic Scott Lynch introduces our snazzy new interactive map of New York City's best affordable restaurants.

I've been writing about New York City restaurants for some 20 years now, ever since I started posting to my old personal blog Scoboco during the workday instead of doing the corporate job I hated. And I've been wolfing cheap eats all over this beautiful city since the late 1970s, my misspent youth fueled by giant Koronet slices up near 111th Street, and Kiev's 2:30 a.m. challah grilled cheeses in the East Village.

Basically, what I'm saying is I've gone to a ton of different NYC restaurants over the course of my long-ass life, including, since the fall of 2022, at least one and sometimes two or three different spots each week for Hell Gate. Now, all of these excursions can be found on this glorious, interactive $20 Dinner Map, created by both the Hell Gate worker-owners and the good people at Partner & Partners. Here's the link to the map again—you're going to want to bookmark it on your phone!

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