Only New Yorkers May Call the Subway a 'Sh*thole'
(Hell Gate)

Only New Yorkers May Call the Subway a 'Sh*thole'

And more stories to start your soggy Monday.

New York City's transit system is under attack—from the federal government.

On Saturday afternoon, Donald Trump's secretary of transportation, Sean Duffy, reiterated his threat to withhold billions of dollars in federal funding from the MTA because Governor Kathy Hochul hasn't sent enough cops underground for his liking.

"This could be a non-issue, send law enforcement in, kick out the homeless, get rid of the drugs, put cops on the beat, make sure there is no violence, make sure people aren't afraid of being punched or stabbed or pushed in front of a train," Duffy said. "This isn’t hard—law enforcement is simple."

He added, "If you want people to take the train, to take transit, then make it safe, make it clean, make it beautiful, make it wonderful, don't make it a shithole, which is what she has done. She could fix it in hours, not days, not weeks, and she chooses not to."

You'd be forgiven for thinking Duffy was standing on the subway platform when he said all of this, and not, as was the case, literally on the side of a highway in New Jersey, filling potholes with New Jersey governor and Trump supplicant Phil Murphy, who was as mute as a traffic cone as Duffy trashed our subway system.

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