name:Lulla's;address:169 Graham Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11206;longitude:-73.943520;latitude:40.707836;website:;picks:Pastelitos, 'The Frances';

Find a Feast of Venezuelan Delights at Lulla's in East Williamsburg
(Scott Lynch / Hell Gate)

Find a Feast of Venezuelan Delights at Lulla's in East Williamsburg

Come for the first-rate pastries, stay for everything else.

According to Ivo Diaz, the co-chef and owner of the new Venezuelan cafe and bakery Lulla's, the sprawling space that the eatery now occupies on the corner of Graham and Meserole sat empty for years. Luckily for all of us, Diaz, the owner of the nearby Casa Ora, snagged it after the developer finally lowered the rent.

Nice digs! (Scott Lynch / Hell Gate)

There are hints that the landlord might have been hoping to reel in a bank, or some sort of retail or medical chain. The exterior definitely vibes corporate, and the building's second floor tenant is a branch of the grim-sounding Metro Vein Center. Instead of a chain, though, the neighborhood got a pleasant, borderline luxurious, gathering place. It's a big win for East Williamsburg.

On two recent mid-afternoons here, just a week or so after opening, Lulla's was lively with locals who were eating, drinking, hanging out, and typing away on laptops in equal measure. "If you have a comfortable space, and create an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome from the moment they walk in, people will come," Diaz said. 

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