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Navel Gazing

It’s Our Birthday! Help Us Celebrate

Wow, two years of Hell Gate.

Hell Gate bridge on a day with blue skies and scattered clouds in April 2022.

(Photo: Tod Seelie)

On May 2nd, 2022, we flicked on the switch here at Hell Gate on a little test to see if people wanted worker-owned news coverage like ours. 

Two years and thousands of blog posts later, we're not just surviving, we're thriving. We've gone from a group of five plucky out-of-work journalists who were funding the site ourselves to a group of seven full-time workers, replete with fully covered healthcare, a business manager, a part-time office, and thousands of paying subscribers. We're proud to help pave the way for worker-owned local journalism, and are so happy to see so many other new outlets taking up the model. 

And we won't lie—we love and track all the compliments we get from our readers. We're only still around because of the support of our readers, so if you're reading this but not yet a subscriber? Now is the time!

If you want to keep us going another two hundred years? Subscribe today

Or throw us a tip.

And at Hell Gate, we actually observe two birthdays, because honestly, we love celebrating: one in May, when we launched our funky test website, and one in July when we launched our full,we're-actually-gonna-do-this-for-real website with a paywall. Stay tuned, we've got some big things in the works for this summer when we celebrate our paywalled full-launch anniversary, but in the meantime, we can't express enough how much we appreciate all the support of our waiters (and, of course, our haters). 

With deep appreciation, 

Adlan, Chris, Esther, Katie, Max, Nadia, and Nick

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