As a subscriber-funded news outlet, we know that our growth depends on us doing one simple thing: giving our readers more of the reporting, blogs, and investigations that they love and have come to rely on.
At Hell Gate, we plow the vast majority of our resources into exactly that—our journalism. And good journalism, it turns out, requires good journalists. (Who would've thought, someone should really tell that secret to corporate media execs.)
And we have some exciting news to share on that front: After looking at our finances for 2025 (they look pretty good!), we're once again in a place to grow.
We're hiring a writer-editor to join our small but mighty (and steadily growing) newsroom, as well as a part-time marketing and advertising manager who can help us supercharge our revenue growth.
See our job listings here.

We're going to toot our own horn a little bit—working at Hell Gate rules, and it's one of the best jobs in media (the bar is, admittedly, quite low these days). Aside from the salary (increasing every year!), and benefits (fully paid health insurance and 25 days of paid vacation annually!), you get the satisfaction of being part of a team that is building a sustainable, worker-owned outlet that is a model for the future of our industry.
And if you're someone with a marketing background who loves Hell Gate and the idea of creating a sustainable path forward for local news, please consider applying to be our marketing and advertising manager! (Sorry, we're honestly much better talking about the journalism side of things than the business side, hence our need to hire a marketing person.)
Take a look at our job listings for more information on what we're looking for and how to apply.
But don't delay: The deadline to apply for both positions is Friday, January 3, 2025.